How pilots make decisions and what we can learn from them

A decision has to be made – and quickly! But how do we reach a decision? We have examined the aviation industry and asked an experienced pilot…

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Führungskräfte-Coaching Online Session

Leadership Coaching: Added value for the whole team

Whether you’ve recently moved into a leadership position or have years of experience, sooner or later you’ll need a sparring partner. In…

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Be resilient – Practical tips for you & your team

Resilience has become an indispensable quality for leaders and effective collaboration. That’s because resilience enables us to overcome…

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How to succeed in health-oriented (self) leadership

In an increasingly hectic and demanding working world, the topic of health-oriented leadership is becoming more and more important. This is because…

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Delegation: How everyone benefits!

Delegation is a central topic in leadership and represents a basic competence of good leaders. Unfortunately, for many leaders, delegating tasks…

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The power of strength-oriented leadership

Let’s take a look back at our school days for a moment: Were you more likely to receive support in the subjects where you got an…

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The top 3 leadership skills for everyone

“Leadership is for bosses and team leaders. As long as that’s not me, I don’t care.” We say: Wrong!    Leadership…

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5 tips that will bring you closer to your success

They are everywhere: successful athletes, founders, scientists,… and the questions arise: What do these people do differently? Why are they…

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The constant in the face of challenges

What it takes in times of change:   We live in incredibly fast-paced times. Today’s trends can be obsolete tomorrow and new developments…

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Game Changer 21st Century Skills: The truly relevant skills

What specific skills do leaders and employees need today? Managers are supposed to excel in their expertise, be analytical and strong…

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