Storm wave surf

Is BANI the new VUCA? Agile work in the 21st century

If you’ve ever dealt with agility, chances are high you stumbled upon the acronym VUCA. VUCA stands for Volatile Uncertain Complex and  Ambiguous…

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Ethical leadership

Ethical Leadership: buzzword or mindset? Here’s what you must know!

Social responsibility, ecological awareness, sustainability. These topics are ever-present nowadays. But what exactly do they mean for modern…

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Agile Team

The “agile” hype: what do agile working and leadership actually mean?

The term “agile working” is no longer brand new, but the hype around it is still going strong. Interestingly, the topic doesn’t…

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Radical Candor

6 ways to enable radical candor as a leader

Kim Scott has redefined the concept of candor in her book “Radical Candor – be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity.” Her take on…

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5 Levels of Leadership

5 Levels of Leadership and how to climb the highest level

The new bosses are in the building: we all know what that means! They have come to win all of us over, but that is not always the case. Why? We will…

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5 reasons why purpose is essential to corporate success

Leaders who are engaged in the further development or transformation of their company will quickly realize that the company purpose is the axis…

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Die 6 wichtigsten Skills

6 important skills of a successful leader in the 21st century

At Leaders21, we are intensely interested in what makes good leadership in the new world of work, also known as New Work. After countless hours of…

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Soziale Isolation

7 leadership measures to avoid social isolation during Covid19

Mobile working has many advantages, both for employees and employers. Work can be better scheduled and there are fewer interruptions, which means…

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